The Rules of The Game

Published: July 16, 2023, 11 a.m.

The game of life begins in our mother’s womb.  And our genes help to shape and mold us into the pieces we become on the board game of life.  A gene is the basic physical and or functional unit of heredity shared through a common ancestor.  

For example, if both of your parents have green eyes, you might inherit the trait for green eyes from them. Or if your mom has freckles, you might have freckles too because you inherited the trait for freckles.  

Before we learn our names or how to speak there are some things that are inherently imposed on our game boards, but it's up to us to learn the rules of how to utilize the pieces given us, to play in this game called life, according to the mandate of God

All my life I was told I look just like my dad.  I remember as a kid I didn’t think of that as being flattering at all.  After all, my thought was I am a girl, he is a man.  I didn’t understand the reference being made referring more to the likeness of my dad’s physical image than identical characteristics.

Genes are incredible not only can they shape our physical appearance, they can dictate our characteristics as well.  I am one who has always  been impatient, wanting everything now.  I had a family that blamed that on me being an only child and being spoiled, but what I realized is that was a characteristic of my dad’s as well.  And he wasn’t impatient because of being spoiled, he was likely more impatient because of growing up rough and often without the things we take for granted.  

I didn’t inherit much of my mother’s physical appearance but I certainly inherited some of her characteristics.  Busyness being one.  My mom had to always be doing something.  If she was just sitting watching TV, she had to be hemming some pants, fixing my hair, or organizing some papers, she just couldn’t sit idle.  And I catch myself doing the same thing.

Regardless of who you came into this world looking like, regardless of whose characteristics you have genetically inherited, God wants us to make intentional efforts to allow His image to be what drives, moves and directs us.  In Genesis 1:26, scriptures tell us that God created us in image and likeness.  

Yes our tendency may be to act according to our genetic influence, but just know because we were shaped and molded in the image and likeness of God by God in us we store all that pleases him.  We just have to be intentional about letting the godliness that dwells in us prevail.

Impatience was a characteristic of my dad’s that was a struggle and a blessing because of how he used it.  From the outside looking in, my dad's lack of patience made him sometimes come off as cold, or disruptive.  

However, at the same time his lack of patience made him one who was very respectful of time, and one you could certainly count on being where he said he would be at the time he said he would be.