The Rope-A-Dope

Published: May 16, 2021, 4 p.m.

A fighter whose mind is set on victory will never tell those in the camp to watch the tapes of the fights and bring him the reports of their opinions, then begin to train and spar expecting a victory.  But some of us depend solely on sermons and the word of God as administered through others, never really taking the time to rewind the pages of the bible and study them for ourselves.

We have already determined that God has enlisted you through your acceptance of salvation as a fighter. Let me explain how the ritual of champion fighters applies to the necessary rituals of Christian who expect to walk in the victory against Satan as their opponent.

First be willing to sacrifice time, because again persistence and discipline are the key for any fighter.  Rewind the tape of your bouts, your wins, and losses, make note of your strengths and weaknesses.  Now evaluate according to the mandate and word of God how to make your strengths greater and how to overcome your weaknesses that they may be your secret weapons.    

Remember Satan studies us he knows our weaknesses, which is why we have to overcome them and when he thinks our weaknesses are his way in to destroy us, we have revamped them as our secret weapons.  If any of you know anything about Muhammad Ali he had a technique they referred to as the rope a dope.  It was a strategy that, instead of moving around the ring, Ali chose to fight for extended periods of time leaning back into the ropes in order to avoid many of his opponent’s heaviest blows, and once his opponent had worn himself out physically Ali would switch and fight for the victory.

Satan has the ordinary everyday Christin figured out, he knows how to fight them, even makes them think they are winning, know that when the bell rings and the final count is calculated and the judge of all judges calls the fight, the victory is his.

I employ every blood-washed believer, that is in love with Jesus, I am not talking about those who want to just have an affair with Jesus, I am talking about those who are committed, that are ready to announce for God I live and for God, I’ll, those who know without a shadow of a doubt that God is their ride or die if that is you…. Prepare and train yourself on how to use the rope-a-dope on Satan.

See he has already grouped you with the lukewarm Christian and in all honesty, you are no threat to him because he knows in Revelation 3:15-17 God says since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!  Because of these words of the King of Kings, Satan doesn’t even consider you a real opponent for him in battle.

Satan also knows what is in store for the Christian who walks in hypocrisy. Matthew 6:1“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

So how do you use the rope-a-dope tactics to win against Satan?  Instead of running around the ring from preacher to preacher, conference to conference,  and prophet to prophet depending on a word from God to come through others, discipline yourself to spend time each and every day with God in prayer and also set aside time to study his word, by topic.  Why do I emphasize “by topic”, because you are more likely to be drawn to the word when it speaks to your weaknesses when you start to find and decipher answers to questions you always had.

These two things: commitment to some time in prayer and time in the word is the rope-a-dope tactic for Satan because he doesn't know how to defend himself against those who spend time in the presence and in the Word of God.