The Purpose Recipe

Published: Jan. 9, 2022, 3 p.m.

We were all created with a divine purpose and you were not created for you.  It is our obligation to fulfill our ordained purpose.  Don’t be deceived into thinking that purpose can be solidified by bank balances, remember we were created by the King of Kings, Lord of Lord the very one who created the gold and jewels, so our monetary achievements mean nothing in the Kingdom of God, if our divine purpose was not fulfilled.

And last but not least your divine purpose extends beyond niceness and pleasantries, those are just expecting characteristics of children of God. Your purpose is only exalted when God is the center, when the Kingdom of Heaven gets the glory. 

Your purpose is exalted when through the righteousness of  God you are able to bring light into darkness, and when because of the principles of the Word of God you are able to bring salt and add flavor to lives and none of this can be sought after or achieved without a committed relationship with God.