The Premiere & The Sequel

Published: June 5, 2022, 7 a.m.

I want to talk to you today about the structure and purpose of the Bible God so divinely left for us, as some people want to pick it apart, add to it and reference it only to exalt their own agendas. 

You know there are believers who just want to dwell in New Testament scripture discounting Old Testament scriptures as irrelevant since the coming of the Messiah.   The truth is the New Testament is a bit more palatable, where as the OT scriptures is full of fire and brimstone, ,commandments, plaques, slavery, and famine.

You ever try to watch a movie sequel, without seeing the premiere.  You may enjoy it, but if truth be told there may be some parts, some quotes, some occurrences that you don’t quite understand because the details were outlined in the premiere.  That is how the bible is.  You can enjoy reading the NT, and it will undoubtedly bless you.  But let me tell you, you are missing out, there is something about knowing the whole story.

 In John 4:23 it reads that we are to worship God in spirit and in truth.  The truth the scripture is speaking of represents the law laid out in the OT.   As you build your individual houses of faith, you need to know that it is the OT  that is the concrete poured to lay the foundation upon which you will build your faith.

The NT scriptures are the account of the coming of the Messiah and the prophecies of the end times.  When Jesus He came to fulfill the law, what He was essentially saying was that He came to bear witness to the truth. He came to be the living example of how truth should look lived out.  Which is why John 14:6 He proclaimed “I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me.

We cannot exalt please God by exalting truth without following the example Jesus set for the spirit in which we are to live out the truth. Even if it were possible, we could not obey every command of God, walk in, submit to every mandate and command and please God if we never extended grace, never extended mercy. Jesus showed up what grace and mercy physically looks like, how to utilize it to interact with one another.

I watched a documentary some time ago on religion through the eyes of an atheist.  I know some of you are too “saved” to watch such a thing.  But if  Satan is going to put his playbook on display, you better believe, I am going to take a closer look at it, so that I know how best to combat against his weapons of war, his deceptions, lies and evil agenda.

In this documentary it broke my heart as the narrator interviewed a young girl about 19 or 20 years old, who thought she was actually exalting some knowledge, as she said she didn’t believe in God because if God is who He said He is then why did He have to write the OT and then make edit and right the NT.  

I was heartbroken because to be that young and that lost, willingly exposing oneself to the tricks and temptations of Satan is scary.

When Jesus was born the stories of Adam and Eve, Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon were the characters of His history pages.  Much like George Washington, Harriet Tubman, John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King are ours now.

The importance of studying OT scriptures, first and foremost, is something we should do because Jesus did and He is the one who made the ultimate sacrifice to be a living example for us, so we should follow the example He set.