Published: March 2, 2021, 11 a.m.

When things are going wrong, and the circumstances look bad, our natural inclination is to complain first, and praise later after everything works out. ... In this Scripture, David said, “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Continually means we give God praise before we even begin to see our prayers come into fruition, that’s called the trial of our faith, 

See, it’s in the process, in the waiting  when many get discouraged and give up, they start believing the negative thoughts, it’s never going to happen, it’s taking too long; now that seed of your prayer is lying dormant. 

You have to do your part and start watering the seed with praise. thanking God in advance. 

Don’t can’t wait until you receive the promise, begin to thank God that the answer is on the way.  

Maybe you’re struggling with your health, the medical report doesn’t look good, don’t talk about how you feel, say, “Father, thank you that I’m healthy, strong, with a long life ahead of me.”  

That’s not just being positive, that’s watering the seed of your prayers;  

If you are struggling in  your finances maybe, business is slow, all through the day, say “Father, thank you that whatever I touch prospers and succeeds, I’m coming out of debt, thank you that Your favor surrounds me like a shield.”  when you thank God in advance for the answer, it not only waters the seed, but that strengthens your own faith. 

Use the power of pre-praise to keep your prayers watered and flourishing.