The Power Of Discernment

Published: Oct. 31, 2021, noon

I don’t think many of us have ever taken the time to think about how truly powerful our minds are.  Did you know the  human brain is so powerful that some intelligent computers called neural networks are patterned after how the human brain works.

For every thought you have, a surge of electrical currents from your brain release an unknown number of neuro-chemicals, responsible for the operation of your nervous system. 

With every thought and with every electrical current in your brain, your body responds like a world-class conductor leading a famous orchestra, with everything working in unison with your heart, every organ,  and every muscle performing their role with precision.

Your brain is the control center of your very being.  Did you know concentrating on pain that occurs in your body sends electrical currents through your brand that continues producing pain.

If you focus on negativity, your brain will begin to operate dissecting everything from a negative perspective.  We all know at least one person in our lives who seems to always have a negative perspective on everything, and it's because they have flipped their brain switch to filter everything that enters their brand through a filter of negativity.

On the other hand we sometimes struggle with breaking our norms, embracing new perspectives or learning something new that upsets what we have programmed in our brainiac computers. The reason why is because learning something new requires considerable energy and our undivided attention.

Energy and attention have been programmed to allow the world to manipulate and formulate. So we don’t vet situations, our actions and reactions, or our attitudes to align with the will of God because that would require our brain, our very being to embrace something unfamiliar, to flip the switch.

As believers we are charged to vet, to examine, to align everything we do, everything we engage in and everything that is put before us using the Word of God as our measuring rod.

This is referred to as using spiritual discernment.The word discern means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.” 

Spiritual discernment is the ability to properly distinguish or make determinations based on NOT our spirit but  the spirit of God. Spiritual discernment is  related to wisdom. My grandmother used to refer to it as a combination of common sense and the Holy Spirit.