The Living Water Fast

Published: Jan. 4, 2023, 1 a.m.

 "Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  John 4:13-14

As we embrace this season we recognize we are being called to be to do differently, and we are calling for a  water fast.  This water fast is symbolic of sacrificing the things, the attitudes, the mindsets, and the distractions we have accepted and ultimately depend on to quench our flesh-driven thirsts.

This water fast is about replacing everything in our lives that is not pleasing to God, that is not in alignment with His plan or that does not fall subject to His will with the living water that Jesus offered the Samaritan women.  This water fast is about spiritually quenching our thirst and establishing a craving for what pleases God.

The living water Jesus spoke of was a metaphor for spiritual washing, a refreshing which we all need far more than the water, or the array of various fluids we use to quench our physical thirsts.

This is likely the simplest fast you have ever heard or engaged in, however, because of what we have become accustomed to quenching our thirsts, it will be challenging and we will see our physical normalities reflect and mirror what we have accepted as our spiritual normalities.

On this fast, you can eat anything you want, whatever time you want.  This fast has no dietary restrictions that should conflict with any medical conditions. For 7 days the only liquid that is permissible is water, without any sweetener. No coffee, no tea, no sparkling or flavored water.  Feel free to add raw veggies such as cucumbers or raw fruit such as lemons, to your water, but no sugar, no honey, no natural syrups, or any other kind of sweeteners, be they, natural or unnatural.

If you want to commit to these 7 days of water fasting, beginning this Sunday the 8th  through next Saturday the14th as we seek to symbolically indulge and spiritually transform our lives by partaking of the living water Jesus spoke of then please respond to this text message or email and I will send you the 7-day prayer and proclamation itinerary for the fast. 

If you do not respond, you will not receive the fasting information, for we only want those who are prepared to answer the call of doing differently in the name of Jesus.

You can respond via email to receive fasting info at