The Kingdom Is Hiring

Published: Nov. 28, 2021, 3 p.m.

This morning I want to talk to you specifically about what every manufacturer needs to get his message and brand to the masses, that’s marketing executives.  And the Kingdom of God is hiring.  If you research the description of a marketing director you will find that A marketing executive is primarily responsible for developing and implementing marketing campaigns that promote a company's products or services.

You will be happy to know that each of us is experienced and have the potential to do well in this position.  Because the bottom line is everyone is marketing something whether intentionally or unintentionally, the only question is what is it, specifically, you are marketing?

Some are marketing the brand they have created for themselves, regardless whether it aligns with the mandate of the Kingdom’s designer label or not while others are marketing knockoffs as they are trying to co-brand with the Kingdom.  

Again the Kingdom is hiring, but the positions are full-time, with 24 hour on call responsibilities, and require that you promote only one brand, and that your means of promotion be aligned with the manual of the Holy Scriptures and the manual is clear that your personal life, is not considered separate from your obligations to the position and the Kingdom of God.

Turn with me or click your electronic devices to Mark 1:14 as I read through the 20th verse.14 After John was put in prison, (let’s just stop her and not that John went to prison because of his commitment to the Kingdom of God, John wouldn’t keep his mouth shut about what he knew was against the will and mandate of God, so you get the picture of the dedication that is required when you are committed to the work of the Kingdom of God)  Scripture continues by saying, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

At the time John was the best marketing executive the Kingdom had, so when he imprisoned Jesus, God in flesh had to step in to make sure the message of the Kingdom went forth.  Then made an executive decision to hire a team.