The Insurrection - A Mockery To The Incarnation

Published: Jan. 6, 2022, 11 a.m.

Today marks the one year anniversary of the insurrection on our nation's capital. There are those who shamefully believe that separation between church and state means the church should stay out of government business, when in actuality the law was put in place to keep the government out of church affairs. And today I am going to say what a lot of our renown church leaders won’t and I am going to back it up with scripture.

 God the Creator of all things, the creator of man, gave man dominion there is no way man can fulfill the mandate of dominion given to us by God and be not only engaged in government, but as children of the Almighty be the rulers of government.

 We entered into 2022 picking up the mantle of Pursuing Purpose.  The insurrection that took place exactly one year ago in this country is an extreme example of what happens when people stray so far away from their God ordained purpose, when people exalt their agenda over the plans of God.