The God of The Ages vs The God of This Age

Published: Feb. 21, 2023, 2 p.m.

The God of the ages is God Almighty, the transcendent, consistent, sinless, flawless God, the only God worthy of worship or our submission.  

Satan is the god, lowercase g o d of this age.  See, ungodly gods do not transcend time; they are not consistent; they tend to take what was meant to bless, and pollute it, defile it.

Look at our world. We have transcended from simply the computer age to the media age.  The mind God gifted to human beings was able to create phenomenal technology, life-changing and even life-saving, but Satan has found a way to pervert it.

The harmony of our music is tainted with foul lyrics and demonic subliminal messages.  Internet and media streaming has the capability to bring people together who live on opposite sides of the globe to collaborate and unite for the betterment of all mankind. 

And, of course, Satan has figured out a way also to make it work for him. 

Social media is used to boast, brag and belittle.  You can have a million or more followers, but where are you leading them?  is it somewhere God would be pleased? The principles of the Bible teaches  us to who much is given, much is required.  And those you follow, where are they leading you?