The First Thing We Should All Pray For is.....

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, noon

The thing we pray for the least is what we need the most…..and that is peace.

As valuable as peace is, it is not surprising to find that it is sometimes counterfeited. Empty promises of peace can be used to manipulate others. Deceitful men speak words of peace while secretly planning evil. 

In Daniel 9 the Bible forewarns us that when the  Antichrist comes it will confirm a treaty, producing a temporary peace which he will then abruptly shatter as he reveals his true colors. 

Turn to 13 chapters of Ezekiel and you see that scriptures make mention that False prophets will proclaim peace when God is actually proclaiming judgment. I

In Jeremiah’s day, if you turn to the 6th chapter you will read that the religious leaders dealt only with the symptoms of the national problems, without addressing the sinful root of the crisis. These false prophets declared everything was well between God and Israel: “Peace, peace,” they said, when there was no real peace.

God commands us to seek peace.  Romans 14:19 says We should “make every effort to do what leads to peace”. Even those  who do not desire peace, we are still to do our utmost to be at peace with them .

Believers have an obligation to “let the peace of God rule” in their hearts. Don’t be fooled, peace is something that cannot not be forced, commanded, declared or decreed. Peace is granted us when we make the choice to trust in God and allow  His to peace to  rule our daily lives.  

The world will continue to have wars and interpersonal conflicts until Jesus comes to establish everlasting peace , but God will give His peace to those who trust Him. Once His peace rules in our hearts, we are able to share that peace with others; we then can become publishers of peace, ministers of reconciliation able to walk in dominion as mandated by God.

Peace is a performance heightener, when you walk in peace, you love better, you work better, your relationships are better.  Peace is also a magnet, as you walk with peace, forgiveness comes easier, laughter is more often and blessings seem to hunt you down.

True peace is undergirded by maintaining trust in God, when you trust God peace comes as part of the benefit package.  And a sincere desire for peace will steer you to lean on the only one who has never failed you.  Peace is revealed  when in the midst of a storm you have an unexplainable stillness.

I urge you this morning, moving forward, Begin every prayer, with “Lord give me peace”