The Election Days Away - GOD is counting too

Published: Nov. 6, 2022, 2 a.m.

We are in a unique political climate.  Never before has this nation seen such a divide and such discord amongst our leaders.  And with this mantle of ministry on me, I would be remiss if I didn’t address what is on the minds of so many right now, as the Word of God is our life manual meant to be the staple that guides us through the most difficult challenges and issues in our lives.

Let me make this very clear this morning;  Democrats are not perfect, and Republicans are not perfect.  And please note there are just as many Christian Democrats as there are Christian Republicans and true Christians don’t have to continuously make a public announcement, there are so many hypocrites and false prophets, the Bible tells us “you will know them by their fruit”.

It’s a person's fruit that determines their walk with God, not their proclamation.  We are to follow the example of Christ who looked at the heart of a person and had compassion for the people.  

Romans 14 tells us that we will have to stand before God and give an account.  Don’t just vote but cast a ballot that is pleasing God.