The Bridge - Self Examination

Published: March 21, 2022, 9 a.m.

This morning we are going to pick up on the series we started on Sunday, The View from the Bridge.  This series is about transitioning from just living delivered but free.

I mentioned Harriet Tubman’s  quoted on Sunday in which she expressed that she had freed thousands of slaves and could have freed thousands more if only they knew they were slaves”.  

In 2 Cor 13:5 the scriptures tell us to examine ourselves. Some of us are bound slaves to Satan’s agenda unaware.  I want you to ponder over a few  very personal and sensitive questions throughout your day and even this evening and perhaps jot down some notes. As you pursue the journey of freeing yourself from the shackles of Satan.

  1. Would you consider yourself a studier of the Word of God?
  2. Do you have a personal prayer life that extends beyond 5 minutes per day?
  3. Do you go to church or are committed to a ministry?
  4. Are you a faithful tither?
  5. Is your love relationship, one that aligns with the biblical mandate of God?
  6. Do you believe the bible is true and relevant today?
  7. Is pleasing God more important to you than likes and accolades from others
  8. Are you the peacemaker amongst your friends, family and colleagues?

These questions weren’t asked to condemn you, but to get you in a place where you can be real with yourself about your true relationship with God.  

If you could NOT answer every one of these questions with a resounding Yes, there is likely at least one issue that has you bound.  

Whatever you were able to NOT honestly answer yes, that is what Satan is using to disarm your absolute faith in God and he is tricky he will provide rational excuses that seem acceptable, all while laughing at keeping distance between you and God.

Everyone of these questions reflect your level of faith in God.  Faith is an action word, we can’t just profess faith, our faith should be shown in all we do in our mindsets, our perceptions, in what we allow and don’t allow in our lives.