THE BIBLE - Validity Explained - Pt1

Published: Sept. 4, 2022, 3 a.m.

Some question the validity of the Bible.  Even those who believe in the Bible and God, cannot explain why they believe what they believe or the dynamics of the validity of the Bible.  This series is designed to give clarity to the validity of the Bible and equip believers to better explain why their belief is concrete.  GRAB A PEN AND PAPER AND LISTEN.

The Bible has proven itself to be a historical document that boasts accuracy and reliability. Historically, culturally, geographically, and scientifically, the Bible has stood as reliable and has been verified as factual by even non-biblical resources. The Bible exposes the history of religious and cultural customs, politics, languages, ethics, humanity, and the earliest days of Western civilization.   

 If you read a single passage of the Bible, then skip to another verse, hopping around from scripture to scripture, you will discover what seems to be contradictions, as this would be true concerning any book.  However, if anyone reads the Bible chapter by chapter they will find what they deemed as contradictions to be just different revelations of a unified and consistent message.  There are a total of 31,102 verses in the Bible, but because of spiritual laziness,  lies are spread, deceptions are created and cults are established based on one or two scriptures without referencing the remaining scriptures that would certainly provide clarity.

 When one really begins to crave The Word of GOD, the commentaries included at the beginning of each of the books of the Bible become appealing as they provide, background, and cultural accounts of each chapter. As believers our desire should be to understand and draw closer to GOD, His Word, and His will, not being satisfied with just being able to quote our favorite scriptures.

The Preservation Process

 The preservation process of the Bible prompts disbelief in many. The preservation of the Bible was done in a thorough and sacred manner. This concept is so hard to grasp because we maintain and exist in a culture where dedication to anything is almost obsolete and integrity is often dismissed, especially if it requires one to be inconvenienced. 

 The original Bible manuscripts (called autographs) were written on papyrus,  a material that deteriorated quickly. Consequently, scribes needed to copy and recopy the Old Testament books letter by letter. These copyists knew they were copying the Word of GOD, so they committed themselves to operate with excellence and integrity. We must also be mindful there was no reason for scribes to change or misquote scripture.

 Because of their diligence and commitment to accuracy, the Old Testament in our Bibles today is virtually identical to the autographs written over 2,000 years ago. Bible scholars have demonstrated this by comparing ancient copies of the Bible with more recent copies. 

 For example, prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts in 1947, the oldest existing Old Testament manuscript was the Masoretic Text, dated around a.d. 900. Upon the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the fragments were compared, and proved the writings aligned almost identical in wording and exact in context.