THE BIBLE (pt2) -Not Fables & Fairytales

Published: Sept. 11, 2022, 1 p.m.

Some biblical accounts such as those detailing speaking animals, the parting of bodies of water, and various other miracles, tend to fuel thoughts of the Bible being full of fables and fairytales.  

 Thoughts and measures of disbelief come easy when one doesn't believe in GOD or whose mind cannot phantom a truly Almighty GOD.  Let’s address some of the biblical accounts people tend to struggle with.  First, there is Eve’s conversation with the serpent.  We may find it hard to believe that a serpent could talk and, in a language, a human could comprehend.  

 What actually should be more important to us than the actual speaking of the serpent is the lesson which is that we should always be mindful that Satan who possesses the character of a snake, comes prepared, relatable, and speaks our language.  

 Satan is a user. When a person is demon-possessed Satan will speak through them.  Satan will use whoever and whatever will serve his purpose. Today he is more likely to use another human, but in the Garden of Eden there was no other human for him to use just Adam and Eve, so Satan used what was available and the snake was available.

 The account of Eve and the serpent, by no means, suggests that snakes were ever of the intellect that would have enabled them to speak coherently.  Bible scholars agree, that Satan was speaking through the snake and not the snake itself speaking on its own. This consensus is derived from the fact that there was no reason for any “uninfluenced”, GOD-created creature to seek to deceive or destroy another, so any plan of deceit or destruction had to be the workings of Satan. 

 Now in the story of Balaam’s donkey speaking to him, scriptures are clear, and bears witness to the power of GOD, as it reads “the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth”, Numbers 22:28. GOD using the donkey to talk also lets us know Satan does not have access to do or use anything GOD does not have access to use or do, for Satan is not greater than GOD.  

 Satan used a serpent to talk for him and GOD chose a donkey.  The moral of the accounts of the speaking animals in the Bible is that deliverance and deception can come out and through anything or anyone.  Therefore, it is important we know the Word of GOD, so we can discern the voice of GOD and not be deceived and ultimately destroyed by the agenda and manipulation of the enemy.

 The second most questioned event in the Bible is the parting of the Red Sea.  The Washington Post released an article alluding that the parting of the Red Sea, “in real life” would have been explained as a "weather event”.  The article provides an analysis comparing the biblical account to what is scientifically referred to as a “wind set down”.  

A “wind set down” involves strong winds, over 60 miles per hour, which creates a “push” of coastal waters, in turn creating a storm surge, which is known to blow harbors completely dry.  The article concluded, that the parting of the Red Sea would have been possible in extreme weather conditions, in “real life”, but is “iffy” in biblical times because man cannot explain the timing which aligns with Moses holding out his staff (Exodus 14:21-31).   

 Science seems to be willing to give GOD a little credit for His ability to control nature, but at the same time, limit the extent of His power and His timing, based solely on only what the human mind can perceive.  “With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible”, Matthew 19:26. The parting of the Red Sea is the single greatest act of salvation in the Old Testament and represents GOD’s ultimate saving power and shows the depth and extent GOD will go through to save us.