The Animalistic Flavor Of God (Part 1): The True King of Our Jungle

Published: Sept. 5, 2021, 10 a.m.

In the Bible, there are only two animals God uses to describe Himself, a lion and an eagle.  Lions are the baddest thing that prowls the earth and the eagle is the "baddest" thing that flies in the air. Which explains why God uses these two things to describe Himself because he is the absolute control of the heavens and earth.

Today’s sermon is part one of a two-part series entitled The Animalistic Flavor of God: The True King of the Jungle

A lion symbolizes majesty, courage, strength, protection, family, wisdom, and other admirable traits.  While an eagle symbolizes loyalty, freedom, devotion, truth, honor, and divine faithfulness, we will explore the eagle in part 2 of this series, but today we are going to dive into the animalistic flavor of God which shares characteristics with the lion.

Did you know Lions don't actually live in the jungle? Their real habitat is the open savanna, a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, open land which possesses few trees.  

Lions live in groups called "prides". A group of lions is collectively called a pride because of their stately quality.  The male lions of the pride come and go. As it is the males their job to defend the pride's territory, by marking the area, using their roar to threaten and warn intruders, as well as,  chasing off animals that encroach on their turf. The males spend most of their time fighting and protecting, also teaching and preparing the male cubs how to survive so they can operate as Kings when they eventually leave the pride. 

Now lionesses are the heart and soul of the “pride”, with a more consistent presence in the pride as she is the primary caregiver of cubs, especially the female cubs.  The lioness is also the pride's primary hunter and leader. Female lions are the core of the lion family just like in the human family.

This is why Satan in the Garden of Eden went straight to Eve. Also why,  If you study the history of the largest act of oppression in this country, which was slavery, you will learn to keep oppression alive and the rule of slavery profitable, if you read The Making of a slave you will see that masters set out to control and put fear in the woman.  

But why? the woman and not the man.  Because it's the woman that is the core of all families, not because the man is by any means insignificant, but simply because the woman is the first teacher of every generation and what is put in the minds of babies will have long term effects.