Published: Aug. 8, 2021, 10 a.m.

I may be telling my age but anybody out there remembers The Flip Wilson Show, he had a saying  “The devil made me do it!”. 

It seems it is always easier to blame someone else for our wrongs, for being irresponsible, for even being greedy and unkind to one another.  We blame fast-food restaurants for making us fat. We blame tobacco companies for giving us cancer. We blame the church for our lack of spiritual growth.  We blame other people’s ways for our attitude.

We live in a culture where blaming others for our failures is popular. But how does God view the blame game? 

Could it be a form of idolatry where our feelings of pride are elevated above any sense of responsibility?

We expect blame-shifting from a child, good parents stress to their children not to blame others for their actions, because we want them to know that they are the ultimate controller of their actions and reactions.

You all remember the question our mothers asked when we tried to shift the blame on someone else for us following up with foolishness.  “If your friend jumps off the bridge are you going to jump too?  We would drop our heads with a pitiful “no”.  And  I know my mother’s response was.  “then don’t tell me about so and so, I want to know why you did what you know was wrong”.

Sadly, the evidence is in, we failed in learning that lesson from our mothers because so many adults never grow to mental and emotional maturity and still blame others for their mistakes”

It is a generational curse that goes back to the beginning of man, yes blaming others is an inherited sin.  Adam, Eve, Aaron Moses, and King Saul  all have suffered from the plague of blaming others

They all blamed someone else for their sin and never took personal responsibility for their action. 

Let's see. When sin made its entrance and God confronted Adam (Genesis 3:12-13), Adam replied, "The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." And in her defense Eve replied, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.  

The verdict proclaimed by humanity was that everything that went wrong in the Garden of Eden was someone else's fault.