Published: April 24, 2022, 3 a.m.

In the corridor of a hospital there are four medical interns, embarking on their first day walking and talking to each other excited about their medical careers, they had been planning since childhood.  

As they got closer to the cafeteria where they were heading for lunch they could see a body stretched out on the floor, as they quickly approached the body, it was  clear… It was  a man and this man was bleeding profusely.

The interns were not sure what they should do, they began screaming for help, and in between the screaming, the questions began to flare, who is this man, where did he come from, how did he get injured.  Afraid to touch or do anything for fear of doing the wrong thing the questions and screams continue.

Finally a doctor of 35 years turns the corner and runs to the scene and immediately he begins to give the interns directives and he proclaims, “we have to stop the bleeding”

We are living in a time where dysfunctions among people are out of control, leaders have become manipulators, political agendas have become personal platforms, and believers are blending in and craving the same things as the world, instead of being the light they were called to be in darkness.

We are wounded people from city to city, state to state, country to country. Our disconnect from the righteousness of God is the real pandemic with wounded people everywhere, some even unaware of their wounds, yet they are bleeding out. We as a people around the globe have got to stop the bleeding.

The bleeding and the wounds I am speaking of are not physical.  I am talking about the bleeding that comes from the wounds of our  habitual blaming, shaming, exaltation of pride, greed, selfishness, evil, ungodly desires of the flesh, and idol worship.  We as a people have become comfortable with prioritizing money, material things and social status above the things of God.

In the Book of Jeremiah it records the final prophecies to Judah, warning of oncoming destruction if the nation did not repent. Jeremiah calls out for the nation to turn back to God. He recognizes that the destruction of Judah’s is inevitable without repentance for their ways and mindset rooted idolatry and immorality.

See, after the death of King Josiah, the last righteous king, the nation of Judah had almost completely abandoned God and His commandments. Jeremiah compares Judah to a prostitute. 

We have become so carnal in our processing of words and their meaning til we hear the word “prostitute” and it rolls off us like water on a ducks back.  But in biblical times there was no lower way to earn a living.  A prostitute was considered untrustworthy, manipulative, self-serving, unable to maintain any loyalty to anyone, with everything they had able to be negotiated for, with no holds barred.

Jeremiah compared Judah to a prostitute because the majority of the people had adopted the characteristics of prostitute, where as long as their fleshly desires, be it physical or monetary were being met everything was negotiable including their very souls.  

Sound familiar? Look at our nation, the culture in which we live, from country to country around the globe, what is the prominent and determining factor in the minds of many, self-centered gratification and greed.