SOULED OUT: No room, no vacancies

Published: Feb. 27, 2022, 3 p.m.

Why Satan wants our soul?

It really does not require a deep explanation, it’s really simple.  Our soul is our absolute connection to God, the one thing Satan detests.  See if we keep our souls in proper perspective with God, we will turn from him. And not only will we turn from him we will be committed in the spreading, teaching and exaltation of the Gospel,  so you see how this would annihilate Satan’s agenda, how if believers, those who profess to love God, keep their souls in check we could collectively tear Satan’s Kingdom down.

Our souls are like bombs, if detonated could blow up Satan’s world, so he operates like the bomb squad using every tactic possible to get to our souls so that he can disarm us before we have a chance to take part in an explosion that would kill his whole agenda.

The great Shirley Caesar has a song entitled Satan we’re going to tear your Kingdom down.  The lyrics go like this: The Preachers are gonna preach Your kingdom down. The mothers are gonna pray, Pray, your kingdom down. 

Pastor Caesar issued a bomb threat to Satan as the closing line of the song tell him You've been building your kingdom All in the house of God Satan, we're gonna tear Your kingdom down.

We have to take the condition of our souls seriously, because if we don’t we will hand deliver our very soul to Satan as a gift wrapped with a bow.

If you know someone is plotting against your demise, has hatred in your heart for you, I don’t care how saved and sanctified you are, if you must be in their presence you are on guard, you have little conversations for them and you make every attempt possible to steer clear of them.  

You even begin to watch who is interacting with them, who seems to have befriended them and you take a mental note, adding them to the list of those you may need to keep at a distance.

We need to do the same thing when it comes to Satan and stop being so passive and free-spirited around the very one whose whole objective is to obtain and destroy your very soul.

Peter and John both give us some words of advice.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.