SINGLE & LOOKING? Man meet Woman, Woman meet Man

Published: April 20, 2022, 6 a.m.

There are so many who profess to be looking for love.  I am here to tell you this morning many of you are looking in the wrong places and for the wrong things.  

I get prayer requests weekly from men and women asking me to pray for them to find their soulmate.

We have to be mindful that God wants the absolute best for us and with that in mind …. understand….His will and His way is the absolute best. 

When it comes to THE CHARACTER of man and woman God is very clear as to what their character should look like.

In Proverbs 17:19 The bible speaks of how when you look on water you can see the reflection of your face, and speaks of how you can look at the heart of a man and discern the man.  

Ladies, I am going to talk to you first for a moment.  Ladies, Take the time to learn and know a man’s heart before you allow yourselves to be charmed by all of his other attributes. 

It doesn’t matter how much money he has, his fine clothes, his swag or let’s just be real or even the size of his endowment if heart is absent of character, if his heart does not seek to obey and revere the Lord. 

If a man’s heart is tainted, everything else he has going on is useless, and I can assure you it will be just a matter of time before you reach that conclusion.

I think women get caught up in looking for the wrong thing in men because they have lost sight of a man’s primary responsibilities.  The word of God calls man  to be the ministerial steward over his household, meaning the man of the house should believe, exalt, study the Word of God and set the standards for the household according to will and ways of Christ Jesus, not look to rule but to lead and guide. 

A man is assigned the role of  the head, the leader, the director, the protector, not domineering, but showing love, patience and humility.  

Women tend to struggle with the word submission, because very few of us have ever seen a man walking, talking and living according to the will and ways of God, allowing God and only God to order his steps.  

Don’t be fooled,  a real man is a godly man and is mandated to usher the woman he loves into the presence of the Lord.

But as a woman, as a lady you have to set your heart on more than what you can see and touch.

And men, your heart thirst for a virtuous woman, as outlined in Proverbs 31 which describes such a woman as one worth far more than rubies with a heart that longs for God and one that her man can trust.  

I say the same thing to you that I have said to the women, focus on the heart of a woman.  Her curvaceous figure may be what caught your attention, but it should be her heart that captivates your interest. 

Take the time to learn and know a woman’s heart, don’t profess to want a virtuous woman, which is who reveres god, but when you look into her eyes all you can imagine is ungodly pleasures.  

Be who God has called you to be as a man, as a mate as husband, you have been charged to love a woman with the same heart Jesus had for the church.

To those looking for real relationships that are solid and good, revamp your standards, expand your patience, and do more searching with your ears than your eyes.  In Matthew 12 the scriptures tell us from the mouth speaks the heart.

I pray these two songs minister to the heart and soul of women and men seeking what God has for them in the arena of relationships.  Be blessed..