Set Aside The Garbage Can Lids

Published: Feb. 20, 2021, 11 a.m.

You know in the military before you are released to operate collectively in the overall mission each soldier has to go through basic training aka bootcamp and today starts your bootcamp.

But because we don’t serve an ordinary commander in chief, and because we are not working for a democracy but a Kingdom our bootcamp is a little different than most.

We are entering into Shock Troop Training.  You see “Shock Troopers” are an exclusive military group used on special detailed missions.

The term “shock troop” is used to describe a unit with a special assignment composed of assault troops which are typically organized for mobility with the intention of penetrating and attacking the enemy through its “vulnerable areas”.  

 Shock troopers specialize in the use of various “non-standard weapons and equipment”. They are also distinguishable by their “extra heavy plate of armor.”  In the realm of ministry those who are assigned to the “shock troop” unit, are those who have been declared ministerial leaders, teachers, deacons, evangelists and confessed believers.  

 Please note, in order for the ministerial mission to be a success the attitude of those committed to the mission must first be intact.  Yes, what your mother told you was correct.  Attitude is everything.

 If we dissect the word attitude you will find that “at” represents presence, participation, attendance and the suffix “tude” means,  “state : condition : quality”.  Hence attitude is indicative of one’s present state of mind.  We all know that one’s  body language will tell us one’s level of participation, and their quality of intentions, which all makes up what we know as attitude. 

 Today as part of our first day of shock troop training we are going to address the “beatitudes” and “similitudes” detailed in the bible.  In short the bible give us the example of 8 beatitudes which are the attitudes that bring forth blessings and 2 similitudes, which refers to one’s visible likeness to something, and biblically speaking it refers to the visible likeness to God that we should possess.

 Now this sermon is entitled setting aside trash can lids, and I know you may be wondering where did that come from.   See many of us want to profess that we are believers of the word of God and on the surface we are real good at making what we do look presentable, but our intention, our sincere attitude is not at all pleasing to God, as we are subtly arrogant, judgemental, proud, and haughty, equivalent in some instance of presenting a prime rib dinner to other on the lids of trash cans.

 Yes on the service prime rib dinner is delightful, considered the creme de la creme, but our mindsets, our attitudes and our reasons, are on the level of trash can lids which are plagues with the residue from what is foul, stick, and of no real use.