Separation of Church and State

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 11 a.m.

This world misuses the term separation of church and state to infer that we should separate the world’s government from biblical mandates, expectations and counsel, without really knowing the origin or the boundaries of the principle.

The idea of  separation of church and state came from a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson’s cause was to protect religious liberties from an intrusive government! 

In no way did Jefferson or any of the other framers of the U.S. Constitution, seek to eradicate religion or restrict Americans’ faith in God or the upholding of biblical mandate. 

An overwhelming majority of those who signed the Declaration of Independence counted themselves as religious men. It may come as a shock to many  that nowhere in the Constitution do the words separation of church and state appear.

The separation of the two was designed to keep the government out of God’s business, not to keep God out of the business of the government.