Secret to Wealth

Published: Feb. 17, 2021, 11 a.m.

We crave wealth to buy not only what we need, but what we want, to provide us with a sense of security, or in order to obtain and maintain a lifestyle that we have as successful.  

We look around and ask the question why does it seem like those who do all kinds of evil seem to be blessed?  

First and foremost, don’t allow things to determine the blessings of God.  Because the very ones that seem to be blessed are not blessed but bound.  You see Satan has all the stuff our hearts can ever desire and if you serve him, he doesn’t mind giving it to you.

However scriptures ask us a question, what does it profit a man to gain this whole world and lose his soul? True wealth evident  in this life but in the after life, in eternity. So how do we attain this kind of wealth?  So glad you asked. 

Stop worrying, stressing, and going after gaining material things, even a spouse. Get your heart, mind and soul  in proper alignment with God.  Get to know the mind of God, stop depending on second hand information about The Almighty.  

You would never settle for a relationship with another based solely on communicating through someone else.  You like most would even consider it a real relationship if you did not have that one on one interaction, and intimate talks.  So don’t settle for anything less than that in your relationship with God.  Don’t depend on every biblical word and revelation to come through the mouth of pastors, apostles, or church leaders.  Their word should only be confirmation.

Once you begin to read and study the word of God it will make it so much easier to obtain the key to wealth which is extended to those who follow the mandate of God that says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things will be added.

I get it, it’s hard to trust what you can’t see.  But that is exactly what faith is,is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Some of you may be thinking the Pastor, tell me exactly what it means to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Plain and simple it means to go after only what exalt His Kingdom that brings people to the understanding and the truth of His word, and to humble ourselves to His righteousness, his commandment, his mandates, not our own interpretation.  

If He said it do it, if He said don’t do it don’t do it. The strength to stand firm on   the Kingdom of God and His righteousness comes from getting to know the mind and plan of God, which can only be obtained through the reading and studying of His word.

God is not a deadbeat if you seek him first in all you do, he will reward you abundantly and openly for your work