SAGE BURNING: A better option

Published: Jan. 5, 2021, 11 a.m.

I know many of you as we have welcomed in this new year want to start everything off fresh, shift the atmosphere in your home. You want to remove negative and evil spirits and many think the solution is  the burning of sage, but I want to talk to you about what works so much better and has been tried, tested and proven effective since the beginning of time.

Many deem sage burning as a spiritual ritual.  What I want to make perfectly clear this morning is that every spiritual ritual is not godly.  Demons and Satan are also of the spirit realm.

1 John 4:1 reads “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God”  

You all know my favorite saying is an inconsistent truth is a lie and a lie can be of God, because God can’t  lie and He detest lying.

So let’s put sage burning the spiritual test.  First and foremost one of the ten commandments is that we are to have no other god before Him.  The moment you put your faith in anyone or anything to align or realign your life you have made it your god.

Burning sage is essentially saying that God does not have the power, or ability to shift the atmosphere, so you need to buy and burn something to do what God can do.

James 2:19 tells us with just the sound of the name Jesus, demons tremble.  The Word of God tells us to not become conformed to the ways of this world, in other words don’t follow the trends, they will lead you away from the promises of God.   

Sage burning is nowhere in the bible, as a matter of fact it would be biblically classified as “strange incense” in Isaiah 1:13 Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me.

As believers when we see the popularity of something building those are the things we should be particularly discerning about, because the things Satan always seem to always draw a crowd and go viral . 

If you want to shift the atmosphere in your home, start afresh this new year, drive out unclean and negative spirits. Begin to make it a practice to exalt prayer and worship in your home.  Set some standards, no meal eaten without grace, eliminate foul language from plaguing the atmosphere, shut down activities and habits you know are not pleasing to God.

Saging gives us false hope, as we believe we are driving out negativity and unclean spirits when in actuality, we are nurturing and multiplying them.  The burning sage may run them into the corners temporarily, but rest assured nothing and I mean nothing  can drive out unclean spirits but God. 

But this false sense of  hope also pacifies our flesh as we keep doing things our way, engaging in activities and practices not pleasing in the sight of God. We tend to fall into the mindset of putting God on a shelf, taking Him off when we need Him, we don’t want him in our business unless we ask Him to intercede, but then wonder why our atmospheres are chaotic.

If you are sincere about shifting your atmosphere and driving out all that is ungodly, then turn your home over to God, let praise and prayer be the cornerstone of your household. Ushering the spirit of God is better than burning sage, it’s more effective and costs so much less.

Let everything in your home reverence his presence. Mark 3:11 And whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” God is the answer to shift the atmosphere.