Published: May 7, 2023, 2 a.m.

Sometimes, we as believers become so consumed with policing people that we forget our mission is the exalt the word of God and be the example of righteousness.   We tend to be more committed to who is right; political party, man, woman, domination, or affiliations based on our personal preference, than we are to the righteousness of God. We have to shift from who is right to what is right according to the Word of God. 

There comes a time, likely several times in a believer's life when they have to say "I like their movie, their music, their political goals, and or their personality but according to the word of God, that is not right". 

And we must be able to stand on that proclamation while humbling ourselves to God so that we don't stand on righteousness with a spirit of arrogance,  or self-righteousness for that in itself is unrighteous.

Being someone's ride or die, sets us up to ride and die, for when we become more loyal to ANYONE than we are to the righteousness of God, we become like a dead man walking, useless to the Kingdom of God.
