Retagging Ourselves

Published: Aug. 22, 2021, 10 a.m.

Parents, you ever look at the behavior of your children and don’t recognize the child you raise.  Or has any of you thought you knew someone only to question, is this the person I thought I knew?

I can only imagine God feeling the same way when he looks at us sometimes.  Is this who I created, is this the one who says they know me?

We live in a culture that makes it extremely easy to lose ourselves, to become detached from our core principles and standards.  As a matter of fact, we live in a culture where standards and principles are not favorably looked upon.

Today’s culture promotes imitators. instead of innovators. Imitators dismiss standards and principles, innovators exalt standards and principles.

We tend to imitate others based on what looks good, what others declare of value, and on what feels good.

This is why we have become people who are obsessed with designer labels and material things.  And why sex can effectively be used to sell and promote any and everything.

And if you are one that pulls away from the mandate of imitators and what they are pushing, then you’re considered an outcast.

If you seek to promote things that are rooted in righteousness, that edifies the mind, nourishes the soul, or exalts God’s ordained purpose then you are radical, crazy or behind in times.  The world only embraces those who are willing to imitate what goes against the principles of godliness and is pushed as the norm.

Matthew 5:13-14 “ Every plant the heavenly father has not planted will be rooted up.  Let them alone they are blind guides, if the blind lead the blind they will both fall into a pit.”

The pit we fall is paid by the high cost of our souls.  We sacrifice our souls for man-made gems while being deceived into thinking we have invested in diamonds.

Each one of us has been wonderfully and uniquely made by God, so when we, God’s individual masterpieces, submit to being imitators of others that is equivalent to taking a diamond and putting a tag on it claiming it to be cubic zirconia.

The problem with a diamond being labeled as cubic zirconia is that its value is never realized. It’s passed around as cheap.  Thrown here and there, left anywhere, and easily discarded.