Report To Corporate Headquarters

Published: Jan. 17, 2021, 10 p.m.

Our hearts are our individual corporate headquarters, our minds and spirits are employees who work diligently to be better us, to impact lives,  and to fulfill purpose.  

 But as employees who work for the “heart” we have to make sure our minds and our spirits are aligned with the corporate guidelines. The number one rule in the corporate manual is to not let discontent in the building.

 Because once discontent comes in it ignites a hostile take-over and then brings in its own employees, who will rule over the employees who work for your heart, as they seek to sow unease, grievances and resentment with no respect for the mandate of godliness.  

 See when discontent comes in, issues begin to arise in our corporate headquarters. Lack of faith, doubt, anger issues, issues with greed, lust, jealousy, issues concerning pride, issues that steer us to compromise our integrity, issues that invite Satan in.