Published: June 27, 2021, 10 a.m.

Today our text will be coming from the book of Ezra. Let me set the scene for you. When God freed Israel from Egypt bringing them out of slavery, he warned them that if they chose to break their covenant with Him, He would again allow other nations to take them back into slavery.

The Israelites, much like us today, seem to take God's grace for granted, or as a weakness, thinking that His love for us will allow Him to go against His Word. However, true to His promise, God allowed Israel and Judah to once again be enslaved, because they didn’t honor their covenant with Him, because they chose to do things their way, operating in complete disobedience to His word.

Before I go any further, I want to explain to you the depth of a covenant.  I think we use this word loosely, never really embracing its meaning in its totality.  A covenant biblically speaking goes beyond an ordinary agreement between two people.  Any time you see the word covenant in the Bible it involves a promise that in order to be kept will require a change of heart and or a spirit of obedience. When God makes a covenant with us, since we know He is the same yesterday today, and forevermore, and that He does bow in obedience to us, that means every covenant God enters in with us will require a change of our hearts, and for us to walk in obedience in order for him to uphold his end of the promise.  God, is Almighty, God is a promise-keeping God

Now the book of Ezra picks up after the Israelites violated their covenant with God and allowed the fine print of the covenant to manifest with them serving as slaves again for 70 years. The Book of Ezra outlines the events occurring in the land of Israel when they once again come up out of slavery with an emphasis on the rebuilding of the Temple since they were now free and able to worship according to their beliefs.

As you can imagine with 70 years of slavery, many didn’t survive, but those who did survive are described in Ezra 9:15 as it reads,  Lord, the God of Israel, you are righteous! We are left, this day as a remnant. Here we are before you in our guilt, though because of it not one of us can stand in your presence.”