Readjust your JOY!

Published: Sept. 13, 2022, 4 a.m.

Today is a magnificent day, a day granted to give God glory.  A day to bask in joy.  Today, I urge you to take time to pay attention to the natural beauties God created as the earth’s decor.  

When was the last time you paid attention to the beauty of a flower?  When was the last time you were in awe of the majesty of a tree, its trunk, and its branches?  When was the last time you took the time to enjoy the sunset?  

When was the last time or have you ever stood amazed by the darkness of night and the stars that hang so eloquently to give bursts of light when the sun has gone?

Now let’s talk about you.  When was the last time you thanked God for the ability to laugh, for your sight, for being able to hear, for the rhythm of music, for keeping blood running through your veins, for a mind that can process thought?

We should also never get tired of thanking God for our uniqueness.  Think about the one thing you do differently with no real effort, your God-given talent.  Some of you possess creative artistic talents, when was the last time you drew or painted a picture?  When was the last time you took the time to exalt the incredible voice God gave you, or play out the rhythms trapped in your head? What are you doing with your passion for children, your love of seniors, and your writing abilities?

Whatever your talent is, whatever makes you unique is your God-given talent and these are gifts from God intended to provide us joy, intended to direct us to purpose and give Him glory.  And just like His word, I want to tell you this morning your talent has no expiration date.