Reading The Last Will & Testament of Jesus

Published: April 14, 2022, 11 p.m.

As we approach the celebration of the resurrection, I thought it only befitting that I collaborate all the promises of Jesus Christ as outlined in New Testament scripture.  Collectively we declare them as the last will and testament of Jesus The Christ.  

If any of you have ever been included in someone’s will, it is a honor, as it is evidence that the person loved you enough to look after you beyond their death and Jesus although He knew there was no grave that could hold him still included us in His last will and testament and when He rose, our inheritance remained in tact.

On this day I read to you The Last Will and testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Son of God make this my last will and testament. 

I give to you an inheritance that will last forever. It has been reserved for you from my Father, the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe.

I give you access to the Holy Spirit, who will comfort, guide and direct your path if you only receive it.
I give you access to every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, 

I give you access to the free gift of salvation through faith, 

I give you access to the forgiveness of all your sins, 

I give you access to the peace that passes all understanding.

I give you access to joy unspeakable and full of glory. 

I crown you with access to loving kindness and mercy. 

I give you access to blessings that will exceed anything you could ask or think. 

I give you access to wisdom 

I give clothe you in strength and honor

I give you  unlimited access to the greatest gift you’ll ever know, my love, a love so deep it caused me to give my life for your sins. 

In addition to all these blessings, I give you access to a mansion where you can live out eternity. This mansion is a place where you will shed no more tears, where death will be no more, sorrow will not exist, no more pain, no evil, for the throne of God will be there, and the greatest of all, you will see me face to face.

 I also give you access to a treasure worth more than silver and gold, the Sacred Scriptures which is filled with undeniable wisdom, and unchangeable principles and standards on how to use the riches of your inheritance. 

All these blessings are yours  for the taking, when you believe that I am the Son of the Living God and receive me as Savior and Lord. 

I beseech you all to spread the Gospel, 

share what I accomplished on earth and done in your life  to all. 

And in all you do be intentional about loving God Our Father, with all your heart, 

Obey His commands, for with obedience comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes the ability to walk in dominion.

Don’t mourn by death, for I was born to be the ultimate sacrifice, so you could live abundantly on earth and in eternity.  

So celebrate and make me proud.  

All my love, Jesus the Christ