Put Down Your Checklists

Published: Oct. 10, 2021, 1 p.m.

We are venturing into part 2 of our study of Galatians.  Galatians, the New Testament book, written by Paul as a letter to the Galatians who were believers who received salvation based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, but strayed from the foundation of the teachings that led to their receiving salvation. 

But they began to be drawn back to the practices of religiosity which had nothing to do with the Kingdom of Heaven or pleasing God.

Now Paul was the perfect man to address the Galatians for he was once a devout Jew, who knew first-hand what it was like to be more committed to the practices, traditions and rituals of religion than to God Himself.  

Paul was so committed to religiosity, he was blinded and didn’t recognize when the Savior the Jews were looking and praying for actually arrived.  Pau was the leader of the pack that ridiculed the teachings of Jesus Christ and wanted to jail and kill those who followed Jesus’ teachings.

But then God confronted Paul.  Let me tell the story to some and refresh the story in the minds of others.  The story comes from the book Acts and begins in the 9th chapter   

Yes, we are studying Galatians but I need to you understand the underlying and qualifying components of Paul audacity when he addresses the Galatians.See Paul, who went by the name of Saul at that time, was on his way to Damascus with a letter from the high priest in Jerusalem who gave him authority to arrest any who belonged to what was called,  “the Way,” meaning Christians, those who followed Christ. 

Paul sought to intentionally oppose the name of Jesus. And no doubt because he had the support of the high priest he walked with a false sense of entitlement and much arrogance. So much so that in Acts 26:9-11.  Paul says in his own words “I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. 10 And that is just what I did in Jerusalem. On the authority of the chief priests I put many of the Lord’s people in prison, and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. 

Let me give you a little sidebar here, be careful who you follow, I don’t care what their position is nor what kind of illumination of authority they have, keep your heart aligned with the will and the ways of God, don’t allow distractions to blind you so you don’t recognize when God is moving and when He is telling you stand down.

Let’s go back to the road of Damascus.  Suddenly a bright light was shone on Saul, so bright it caused him to fall to the ground. Then Jesus spoke to Saul, asking him, “Why are you persecuting me?” in a voice understood only by him.  Then Saul, as I am sure he was shivering in fear, asked  “Who are you, Lord?” “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

I find the need to pause right here with another sidebar, for all of you who struggle with Jesus being God,  Paul had to face this reality in the most shocking, and unimaginable way.  Notice the voice didn’t say this is God, the voice he heard proclaimed to be Jesus confirming they are one in the same, because only God can create an experience like Paul had that day.
