Published: Jan. 2, 2022, 11 a.m.

The traditional first sermon of the new year is typically more upbeat, fixed on moving forward, preparing for blessing, and reaping a harvest and everyone gets excited and posts, reposts and shares.  But the truth is there is no moving forward,  there are no true blessings and there is no harvest to reap, if you repeatedly turn from God’s ordained purpose for His creating you.

Some of us right now are trying to think of what we can invest in, what business moves to make that would give us a good return.  I am asking you today, is your God-ordained purpose part of the business plan. Does your business plan detail how what you have imagined will be influential in shifting the culture on even a small scale to bring some of the Kingdom of God to this earth.

See here we get all tripped up if we allow the voices of this world to deceive us and make our goals all about self.  Keeping our goals focused on things,  careers, bottom-lines, only profit and the accolades of others.  

We only measure success with numbers that indicate individual amounts, size and dollars as we pursue these goals that have no divine purpose, no intent or mention to bring glory to the Kingdom of God. 
