Pre-Mother's Day Tribute

Published: May 8, 2021, 5 a.m.

I read a quote by Maya Angelou when she was asked about her mother she said “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.

I too truly know how she feels, and for all of those who have known the love of a mother or loved as a mother, you too have that feeling. A mother’s love is so celebrated because it exudes the very essence of the love described in 1 Corinthians 13’

A mother loves  is patient and kind,  as a child will try will you at every turn

A mother’s love does not envy or boast from a point of self-centeredness;

A mother’s love is  it is not arrogant or rude for a real mother is always set on being the example

A mother’s love does not insist on its own way, only on the right way for a true mother only wants the best for their child and will humble herself when required.

A mother’s love is not irritable or resentful, though she faces unimaginable challenges.

A mother’s love does not rejoice at wrongdoing,  even if the outcome deems profitable on the surface.

 A mother’s love rejoices in the truth. 

A mother’s Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

A mother’s love never ends.

I want to wish all the mothers out there a happy mother’s day and to all of you who know the love of a real mother whether she is still with you or not cherish, remember and hold dear that love in your heart, and live life  HONORING YOUR MOTHER’S LOVE BY sharing the love you were blessed with, with others.