Policy Changes

Published: Sept. 13, 2023, 6 p.m.

I encourage each of you to evaluate where you are professionally, personally, and spiritually and decide what policies in your life need to be adjusted, revamped, tweaked or flat out replaced what is currently in place.  

The hardest thing about implementing policy change will be those around you as some will have to be dismissed, as well as, brought up to speed on what is now tolerable and not tolerable under the new system.

Some folks you are going to have to tell me no you will no longer talk to me like that I have made some policy changes, no you I can no longer allow that to occur in my house there have been some policy changes. NO, I will no longer financially support that, there has been a policy change. Or moving forward, we will seek the word of God as our counsel, because there has been a policy change.

Every aspect of our lives requires change, shifts, renewing of our minds and policy changes.  

We were all destined for greatness, failure to embrace change will hinder your access to the greatness that has been slated for you.  

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
