Published: Jan. 16, 2022, 3 p.m.

Notice Jesus didn’t say, we should strive to be the salt of the earth.  He emphatically said that we are the salt of the earth.  If we know nothing else about salt, we know that it brings out the flavor.  If we were to pull up to McDonald’s and there were two lines, one for those that want salt on their fries and the other who want fries without salt.  I can assure you the line for salt would be a whole lot busier.

We understand salt as it applies to flavor, we understand that salt brings out the best in meat, vegetables, and even though we can’t necessarily taste in bakery items it is an essential ingredient even when baking, see salt provides a balance to the sweetness of cake batters.

Just knowing what salt does to what we indulge in everyday should give a clear understanding of how we should conduct ourselves as disciples. In this world, it's the believers, the disciples, those who profess to be saved, sanctified and leaning on the Word of God that should be consistent in providing, changing and cultivating the flavor on earth.

Salt represents truth and we know that the only undisputed truth is the Word of God.  So when God says we are the salt of the earth He is letting us know that it us who has been mandated to exalt his truth on earth, through not just running from pulpit to pulpit, preaching sermons, but in our everyday living, in our everyday interactions with the world, in the examples we set, in how we respond to sin, untruths and ungodliness.

We know salt to be the seasoning that bring out the best and we ought to be able to bring out the best in others, in all those we connect with and come in contact with, because we represent God, His truth and are committed to who he says we are, and he says we are the salt of the earth.  

So regardless how jacked up a person is we should be able to bring out their best. You know we have made delicacies out of scraps all because of being able to collate the right seasoning, with salt being at the root of it all. Chitlins, oxtails, greens, even sausages, all scraps, all what at some point was considered useless trash, is now considered delicacies and part of a prime meal, all because someone took the time to season these things.