Peace & Joy: The Difference

Published: Dec. 17, 2020, 11 a.m.

Peace and Joy two things we all desire, but why.  The answer to the why is in knowing the difference between the two.

(Lev 26:6) Peace It is the gift of God, for God alone can give peace in all its fullness .

Peace  is a sense of well-being and fulfilment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence.

The Gospel is the good news of peace announcing the reconciliation of believers to God and to one another., through the blood of Jesus. Our  inner peace is associated with the receptiveness to God's salvation (Matt 10:13), freedom from distress and fear (John 14:27), Security (1 Thess 5:9-10, mercy (Gal 6:16)grace (Phil.1:2) love (2 Cor 13:11) life and righteousness(Rom14:17). Such peace is a fruit of the spirit enabling us as Christians to withstand the attacks of the forces of evil.

Now JOY is a happy state that results from knowing and serving God.

Joy is the fruit of a right relationship with God and is not something one can create by their own efforts. God knows joy, and wants His people to know joy. Psalm 104:31 speaks of God rejoicing in His creative works; and Isa 65:18 speaks of God rejoicing over His people who will be to Him a joy.

This morning I wish that each of you experience peace and joy each and every day of your life.