Published: April 13, 2022, 2 a.m.

This morning I am going to be ministering to myself. I encourage you to “listen in” as I am sure this message will bless the souls of many.

I have been dealing with several situations simultaneously and if I were to be perfectly honest, if I had my way these situations would have been settled long ago. 

I had to re-adjust my mindset, challenge my faith and remind myself of the God I serve and the fact that in Jeremiah 29:11 he says.For I know the plans I have for you,”plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Yes, even I, the pastor, the biblical scholar had to readjust my thinking, check my faith and remind myself of who I have committed and submitted my life to.  Sometimes we have to check ourselves and reel something back in.  

Because as humans it is our nature to yield to our own understanding, to act and react according to our feelings, and according to what we have deemed best.  I am here this morning to tell you ….but God.

As we continue with our study of the book of Proverbs in this month of Wisdom there are 3 passages I want to address this morning.

The first being Proverbs 19:2 as it reads, “desire without knowledge is not good and whoever makes hast with his feet misses his way.

The message this verse is conveying addresses how sometimes, we without understanding choose to react according to our feelings, instead of exalting patience and getting an understanding.

If you don’t embrace anything else this morning, embrace this…  when we operate with a spirit of patience, God will give us understanding.

Proverbs 29:20 asks, do you see a man who is hasty in his words? The scripture goes on to say there is more hope for a fool then for him.  In essence the scripture is letting us know that it is not wise to speak quickly, without understanding, without listening, without thinking about the consequences and ramifications of our words.

We tend to lose patience if we have to wait for anything that inconveniences our plans.  Our lack of patience prompts us to react and speak sometimes too quickly.  God is saying this kind of persona is lower than that of a fool.

.Too many of us are seeking quick fixes to life’s challenges which is why our dismissive attitudes have plagued humanity like a disease eating at the very core of our being.  We have become quick to dismiss and disassociate ourselves from people because they made a mistake, as if we in our imperfect state can realistically maintain such audacity.

It is our lack of patience that encourages arrogance and annihilates our ability to extend to one another grace and mercy.

And let’s not forget those who seek wealth without sacrifice, who want to start out on top and it's their impatience regarding building something sustainable that causes many to be deceptive, manipulative, fraudulent and practice all kinds of thievery.  

Proverbs 13:11 reads, “wealth gained hastily will dwindle but whoever gathers little by little will continue in increasing in wealth”.

Patience is not easy by no means, I am a witness, but God never promised us His way was the easiest path, what He did promise us was that He would never leave us alone.  So with that promise, we can comfortably put our trust in God and choose the path of patience.