No Politician Can Save Us

Published: Sept. 14, 2022, 4 a.m.

Since biblical days, people have had their eyes set on a politician to be their Savior.  In biblical times, they waged so much on the political aspects of a Savior that when the true Savior came, they didn’t even recognize him and ultimately crucified the very one who was ordained as their Savior.

Jesus did not fulfill, act or react according to what the people anticipated. See they were looking for an earthly king, not the ruler of a spiritual kingdom or even one more committed to spiritual righteousness. 

They wanted a king, who would reign politically and fall in line with religiosity even if it were undergirded by hypocrisy just as long as this “Savior” supported their individual agendas. 

Things haven’t changed much since biblical times, people are still looking for a political savior and their character does not have to align with the spiritual righteousness of the Kingdom of God, just as long as they are willing to stroke the egos of the people and fall in line with their agendas and economic goals of the masses.

Someone, please explain to me why people are more up in arms about our government going into the personal residence of a citizen to retrieve stolen top secret documents, that could compromise the safety of our entire nation than they are about the intentions of the person who had these documents in their possession.

When someone intentionally takes what does not rightfully belong to them, they are a thief. I am sure we can all agree on the definition of a thief.  Well, position and status don’t change the definition of a thief.  

The Bible is clear in conveying to us the intentions of a thief in John 10:10 “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy”  The Word of God is so prevalent because it shows no partiality, it doesn’t change based on individuals, circumstances, or opinions, as truth is just truth. Stole document, confirmed, now the next question based on biblical principles is what was to be killed and destroyed and politically speaking what impact were these actions to have on our nation.

If you want to assure that you are on the right side of righteousness, ask yourself this,  “if God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords were to manifest Himself physically before me, would I stand on this decision to support who I am supporting, their character, their actions, and their reactions?”

Always be mindful, that God may not be physically present before you, but He is always there with you and He sees, hears, and knows your heart.