Nicodemus' Secret - Not Mine

Published: March 23, 2021, 10 a.m.

The final mention of Nicodemus in the Bible is in John 19 after Jesus’ crucifixion. We find Nicodemus assisting Joseph of Arimathea in Jesus’ burial. Joseph is described in John as a rich man and as a secret disciple of Jesus, as he was afraid of the Jews. Joseph asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Nicodemus brought 75 pounds of spices for use in preparing the body for burial and then assisted Joseph in wrapping the body and placing it in the tomb. The sheer amount of burial spices would seem to indicate that Nicodemus was a rich man and that he had great respect for Jesus.

The limited account leaves many questions about Nicodemus unanswered. Was he a true believer? What did he do after the resurrection? The Bible is silent on these questions. It would appear that Nicodemus may have been similar to Joseph of Arimathea in that perhaps he, too, was a secret disciple of Jesus and had not yet mustered the courage to declare his faith openly. 

I have two questions to ask everyone under the sound of my voice, what is being said by others of your faith, is there a lingering question in the air when it comes to your actions, reactions, words, and beliefs as to who you serve?

It’s true God knows our heart, but it’s is also true that we were commissioned by God to operate with a spirit of dominion bringing the culture of heaven to earth and we can’t effectively do that, serving God as secret agents.   Matthew 10:32 tells Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven