Measuring Up

Published: July 24, 2023, 10 a.m.

Have you ever thought about how obvious it is how into measurements God really is?  The entire chapter of Ezekiel 40 focuses on measurements.  We see in the scriptures when Noah was building the ark, the specific measurement and materials details.

In Zechariah 4:10 God measures and makes reference to small things vs big things as the scripture read, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin” 

For the truth is no one who understands God, His capabilities, power, and plan look down on small things, for the same understanding of God recognizes that small things come before the big things. Perfect example; regardless of the size or age of a tree it started with a seed.

When we measure a thing or compare size, we use a fixed proportion as the standard.  Measuring is judging or basing something against a standard, to see how accommodating something will be for the space, or in its ability to meet the desired goal.

God’s display and usage of measurement show us that He is not only divine but detail-orientated, the measurement of standards matters to Him.  Measurements are used to create patterns and templates.

Judgment Day is all about the measure of a person’s ability to comply with the pattern and templates outlined by God, and it's according to their patterns and templates that will determine if one's measurements are fit for the Kingdom of God.

God looks at and considers the details of measurements and our hearts.