Make Wisdom Your Friend

Published: April 21, 2021, 10 a.m.

Proverbs 8 gives wisdom a voice, here is a excerpt of the very voice of wisdom….

Wisdom starts off telling us that it dwells with prudence or better known to us as common sense.  To all folks, common sense is not common, which is why wisdom is so important and to others, they have wisdom and knowledge but lack prudence or common sense, Wisdom continues by telling us that it also possesses knowledge and discretion, which in some situations THE LACK THERE OFF can prove detrimental to not just the body but the soul.

True wisdom is a friend of the Lord as it hates evil, pride, arrogance, and perverse speech. 

Wisdom exalts counsel and sound judgment for in these two one will find insight and power.

Wisdom is such a jewel it has crowned Kings and IS an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT IN LAWMAKING. Wisdom has made a vow to love those who love and seek him.  Wisdom wants to enter into a lucrative relationship with each of us as it has found the key to secure riches and honor along with enduring wealth and prosperity.

If you have never formally been introduced to wisdom, I strongly suggest you get to know him, for being friends with him will take you places you never imagined and open doors you never knew existed.  The bible is an excellent place to get to know Wisdom as there are 5 books dedicated to him and him alone they are the Book of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Don’t take wisdom for granted, get to know Him, he is an excellent friend to have.