Published: May 18, 2022, 4 a.m.

Listen to the universe, did  you notice the question mark.  Why would anyone spew those words?  What a bunch of malarkey.  I heard someone say this the other day and I began to think, “OK, what is this person’s game, what deceptions are they about to present or what sin are they seeking to validate?

I know some want to credit the cosmos, astrology, and other mythical ideologies.  So the words “listen to the universe'' validate these perspectives.  But Why would anyone set out to listen to the universe instead of the Creator of the universe?  Everything God created has the ability to be fallible, will endure change and is open to manipulation.

Think about it even animals whose intelligence is lower than that of a human can be manipulated or trained, even bribed.  The only reason one would opt to listen and take the advice from a peasant when they have access to the King is because what they have to bring doesn't represent royalty and because they know it doesn’t meet the standards of the King.

Isaiah 45:18 For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other.

Why listen to the universe which has been manipulated, corrupted, violated and endured changes all do the violation of man. Why not commit to listening to God who is the Creator of all things who has no beginning and no end, who knows all, sees all and is unchanging.

As I listened to this person spew the words “listen to the universe”, their reasoning for these words were clear, they were comfortable in their sin.   And what is even more astounding is they know their sin to be sin.  

How can we be sure?  Because it is clear they believe in a higher power but they can’t or won’t embrace God Almighty because He won’t embrace their sin and they are more committed to their sin than their soul salvation.   So committed they would rather listen to what will validate, encourage and even applaud their sin.  

You know truth has a way of making us uncomfortable, truth won’t bow down to our likes and dislikes, it will stand against all lies, all manipulation, and it will stand the test of time.  When seeking counsel if you are just looking for validation that is not counsel, that is not advice, that is not a longing for truth.