Lies From the Pulpits

Published: Oct. 25, 2023, 3 a.m.

You are charged by God to study His word yourself to be approved in His sight. Those who stand in our pulpits are to confirm and bring clarity to what we have studied.  But false prophets are plaguing our pulpits and deceiving the people, because we do not see the approval of God which rests on our commitment to study.

When Jesus rose from the dead it was the religious leaders, those who stood before the people that following Sunday, who told the guards to lie and denounce Jesus’ resurrection and say their disciple came and stole Him during the night.

Yes the mantle of ministry is teach the word of God untainted, but every ministry is human in nature and our trust must be first and foremost committed to the Word of God, but in order for such a commitment exalted we have to know the Word of God.

Only listening to the word of God through men, is not pleasing to God.  Again I repeat 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God".  I can teach you the word, many other can teach you the world but for the approval of God you have to study