King Josiah and I

Published: Nov. 24, 2021, 11 a.m.

This past Sunday God spoke to us about brands, and how labels and tags can be a curse and a blessing. How some labels lead us down wrong paths exalting what is not godly, while other labels and tags, can cause us to be set apart and help assure us that we reach the destination God has intended.  If you did not hear the message go back pull it up it will bless you.

This morning I want to talk to you about a King in the bible whose legacy is righteousness, but who is also the least talked about King in the bible.  King David is known as a young child taking down Goliath.  King Solomon was considered the wisest man who ever lived And King Saul was known for unifying the tribes of Israel.  

But the King I am talking about is King Josiah, he didn’t physically slay any giants, he may have been a man of intelligence, but certainly was not considered the wisest nor was his claim to fame undergird in a big feat of unity.  King Josiah was known simply for being righteous.  When he became King at such a young age, all he knew was to follow the traditions and teaching of his forefathers.

But one day someone brought to him the law of God and when he read it realized that all that he was doing was wrong, out of the will of God and not aligned with the plan of God. In 2 Kings 22 scripture said when he heard the word of God, he tore his robe