Keeping Up Appearances

Published: June 6, 2021, noon

I remember growing up and there were just certain things you didn’t do and didn’t say.  There were certain ways you aspired to look in public and act in public, especially being my mother’s child.  I was taught these restrictions were outlined so I would not embarrass myself or bring shame on my parents.  This in essence what keeping up appearances meant years ago 

But today, keeping up appearances is less about how you conduct yourself, more about what you are wearing, how much you have, who you know, and what you can afford to do and buy.  People have become so consumed with impressing others seeking to obtain a sense of value and validation. 

We have become so consumed with living in hypocrisy that we don’t recognize... the real truth, which is when you have to have another person’s name or a brand define you, speak for you or be the determining factor of how you are received, you have diminished your own self worth and stripped away every unique characteristic that makes you an individual.

In 1 Kings 21:1–16, it tells the story of how King Ahab became consumed by the evils of coveting. As the king of Israel, Ahab had everything he needed, yet he saw a vineyard he did not own and coveted it. His covetousness led to discontentment, pouting, and eventually murder when his wicked wife, Jezebel, seized the vineyard for him and had its rightful owner killed. When we allow covetousness to have its way, it can lead to greater evils. When we allow anything to control us other than the Holy Spirit, our hearts have erected a shrine to a competing god.

Psalm 135:16-18 “The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of the hands of humankind. They have mouths, but cannot speak; they have eyes, but cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear; there is not even breath in their mouths. 

The scripture is telling us the things and people we make idols are based on currency and are created by man..  Notice the scriptures goes on to tell us they cannot speak, they cannot see, they cannot hear, the scripture is not referring to physical disabilities but spiritual disabilities, meaning you will never find the fulfillment you are looking for with your mind focused on the idols this world has to offer.  

The scripture closes with these words “Those who make them become like them, as does everyone who trusts in them”. Letting us know if you create idols or begin to trust in these idols to validate yourself you will become just like the idols you have created shiny on the outside, able to attract attention, but spiritually dumb, blind, and death to all of who the Almighty God is and has called you to be

I am going to ask you to just be honest with yourself and as I go through this series of questions, answer them honestly just between you and God.  It is my prayer that as you answer these questions you are able to discern any habits or motives that you have been practicing that do not align with the will of the Word of God.  Ok here we go:

  • Can you really afford to wear the designer labels you wear?
  • What do those designer labels really cost you, debt, or that savings account you can’t seem to get a handle on?
  • What is your real reasoning for needing to fit into that group of people or to feel included?
  • What is the real state of your finances?
  • How responsible have you been with your time and income?
  • What are most of your time and money spent on?
  • Was your debt you have, created out of necessity or desire?
  • And finally, what would God say if he were to review your accounts and habits.

How you invest your time and your resources matter and people-pleasing, keeping up appearances, and covetousness are all mechanisms of Satan to keep you out of the will of the master.