Just a reminder: GOD IS...

Published: March 17, 2022, 10 a.m.

GOD, one who is perfect in power, wisdom and righteousness.  The Creator and ruler of all of nature and the universe.  The ultimate provider, healer, peacemaker, Shepherd and banner of excellence.

I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’” Isaiah 46:9–10.

GOD is all knowing, nothing is unknown to Him or catches Him by surprise

He even knew that in this day and time some would struggle with the validity of the Bible, so in His magnificence He provided evidence of His existence outside the Bible. We bear witness to the evidence of GOD’s existence, everyday as we embrace and utilize the components and benefits of nature. 

Look at the nature of a tree, how it changes according to season without any human influence. Look at the dependence all plant life has on the rain and sunshine for its existence.  Think about the rising and setting of the sun and illumination of the moon at night, all without a power switch or the manipulation of man.  

GOD's omnipresence is also our saving grace, because He is everywhere at the same time He is able to protect us from the seen and unseen.  GOD's holds back and protects us from things we never knew was a threat, never knew was collaborating to execute or demise.  It's because of His omnipresence, we are able to call on him every moment of everyday.  As we walk throughout our day we take His omnipresence for granted in regards to God's protective nature, as well as, our accessibility and accountable to Him
