JESUS-The Game Changer (WWJD)

Published: Sept. 25, 2022, 2 p.m.

When you research all other religions, you can compare beliefs traditions, doctrines, the do’s and the don’ts, but Christianity is the one religion that will always weigh a bit different because it upsets all religious apple carts because every aspect of Christianity points to the game-changing component absent from all other religions, and that is Jesus, The Christ.

 No other religion has a leader who professes to be the way the truth and the life, no other religious leader has ever proclaimed to be the exclusive means by which one has access to God.  Every other religious leader who has died is still laying in their grave, but Jesus Christ, rose from the dead and walked among the living with his resurrections changing the lives of so many to the point they were willing to endure ridicule, pain, suffering, crucifixion, and beheading before denouncing Jesus as the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless, life, was crucified, laid in the tomb for three days and rose from the dead.  

 The significance of proclaiming to be a believer, a Christian is because of who Jesus was and is.  It’s because He had no sin nature because He was the living example of righteousness because when He rose from the dead, proved that unrighteousness will not overcome righteousness. When we proclaim to be Christians it's based on our commitment to the Word of God, the purpose of God and the depth of God's love shone through Jesus, collaborative these elements of belief and commitment are the recipe for a religious doctrine that is unprecedented,  and unable to be duplicated. Jesus is the game changer that validates, personifies, and seals Christianity.