Jesus - Not A Fan Of Religion

Published: May 23, 2021, 1 p.m.

“Religion” by definition is an organized set of beliefs.  Let’s evaluate the word, “organized”, organized by whom? Mankind.  See “religion” is essentially, the Word of God, the mandate of God, tweaked by man, infused with prejudices, cultural regulations, hidden agendas and often practiced without the infusion of the spirit of God.

It’s religion that fuels the atheist, allows unbelievers to be comfortable and finds loopholes for supposed believers. I know you are thinking, what exactly is she saying? 

  • See, its religion that leads people to believe the Bible is just a book about God created by man.  
  • It’s religion that allows people to believe that God is an advocate of slavery.  
  • It’s religion that leads believers to think of God as a genie.  
  • It’s religion that has laid the foundation for a lot of the prejudices in our world.  Prejudices that t support a hierarchy based on social class, race and gender. 
  • It is religion that has taken it upon itself to grade sin. 
  • It is because of religion why there are so many false doctrines and cults.

We have been taught that religion is about God, when actually religion is man’s spin on the doctrine of God, hence organized beliefs.  As if we could or would have the authority to organize any aspect of what God has said, made, or implemented.

If you get nothing else out of this message today, I want you to get this: The bible is the true and authoritative Word of God, and man was just a vessel used by God to convey His will. There is no inconsistency in the Bible.  The Bible aligns with secular accounts of archaeological, scientific and biographical accounts of history.  It has not been tainted by man, it  has not been altered to pacify the desires, issues or politics  of man, and just reading it will provide you confirmation.