JESUS IS TRUTH: How we can be sure

Published: Oct. 3, 2022, 1 a.m.

God brought to my remembrance how I prayed for Him to help me be able to simplify the answer to this teen’s question, and God answered my prayer. 

But I didn’t understand why God was bringing this all to my remembrance now.  As I traveled over these last few days, I began to understand, because  I have been prompted to share this answer at least 6 times with skeptics, even believers, and ministers so they can be equipped to give clarity to one another.

You are probably wondering what the question was.  The teen asked me, “how can we be sure that Jesus was God in flesh?”

If truth be told there are those who profess to be Christians, who say they believe, but in their heart of hearts they are not completely convinced and they certainly cannot explain their conviction in a manner that would provide clarity to a skeptic.

After praying for about 3 days asking God to help me provide the clarity this teenager needed to strengthen his faith in Jesus Christ, this is how our conversation went:

Jacob, I think I can give you the clarity you need regarding your question.  Do you believe you are created in the image and likeness of God?

He responded, “yes”

My next question was do you believe you are greater than God?

He responded, “absolutely not”

I went on to ask, do you understand that the very essence of your being is composed of mind, spirit, and body?

His response was, “yes”.

I continued, so if you are composed of mind, spirit, and body and you were created in the image of God and you believe that you are NOT greater than God, then He must also at minimum possess the attributes you have.

Do you understand the head of God as it relates to the Holy Spirit which is the spirit of God?

Jacob said, “yes I got that”

So I began to pull it all together for Jacob with these words: Ok if we know God to have a mind and spirit, in order for the truth to be sustainable it has to be consistent.  Because an inconsistent truth is a lie.  In the consistency of who God is and with us being made in His image, God had to produce a body, a physical manifestation of Himself and that was Jesus Christ.

I explained that the validation of all truth is rooted in consistency. And told him this is why in In John 14:6, Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

When he said I am the way, those words proclaim Him as God, for who can proclaim to be “the way” but God?  

When Jesus uttered “and the truth”, he confirmed God’s consistency manifested in Him which confirms, “consistent truth”.

And the words “and the life”, is Jesus further validating who He was by proclaiming to be the source of all life.

It's in our clarity and conviction of who Jesus was that also provided the depth of the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, proving that God reigns over everything including death, which in turn gives us hope that whatever the world throws at us, with the spirit of God dwelling in our hearts we can endure anything, we can rise above anything,  even when we’ve been counted out.  

I urge everyone under the sound of my voice to Walk in the way of Christ, embracing truth, for it is only through Christ that life can sustain value and purpose.