Is GOOD enough?

Published: May 17, 2022, 4 a.m.

Recently someone asked me about Matthew 5:48 which reads “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”.  The question that was asked was how can God who knows that we are flawed creatures put such a demand on us?

Let me explain to you this way God is the ultimate parent, there is not one greater.  What parent would  push and motivate their child, by letting them know mediocre is enough.  No, we push our children to be their absolute best, to go for the best, to be conquerors, if they fall down we say get back up, if they fail at something we say if that is what you want go for it.

Be ye therefore perfect, is God’s parental push, with perfect being the goal. Just imagine if God said, ‘I know you will never be perfect, just do the best you can, just limit your sins to no more than 6 a day. 

Well,  just like our children, if God were to set such low expectations, we would consider ourselves good if we only sinned 5 days and then have the audacity to try to figure out if we can carry over our unused sin to the next day.

God wants the best for us, and expects the best from us…. His grace and mercy is there for us when we mess up, but our focus should be on be on being the absolute best, 

I want to read to you a collaboration of scriptures to give you a clearer perspective:

Gen 1:26  “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…..over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. .”

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”

Because of the image of who we were created, because God has mandated that we can do all things through Christ and then explained to us that whatever we do should be done as glory unto Him.  It's clear we are to operate with a spirit of excellence at all times, striving for perfection, never be comfortable with mediocrity.

All God wants from us is our absolute best. And striving for perfection in the eyes of God is bigger than us because when we strive for godly perfection, perfection is not measured by dollars or cents, speed, height, grades or any other systems or voices of validation spearheaded by mankind. 

 When you strive for godly perfection, you become infectious, you turn heads, you will get questions asking about your level of commitment when the circumstances seem less than acceptable, when the people around you seem to be arrogant, self-centered and full of greed. When the questions come…. The door opens for you to tell them about the God you serve.

God’s definition of  “perfect” is an attitude of excellence, an attitude of putting your all in everything you commit to do.